NARO for North Dakota
Royalty Owners

If you are a oil and gas royalty owner in the Bakken, and have not heard of NARO (National Association of Royalty Owners) it is time you checked them out.  NARO, like us, is dedicated to protecting the best interests of mineral owners.  We have followed NARO for years and appreciate all they do to keep royalty owners abreast of important news.

What does NARO offer to North Dakota Royalty Owners?

The following bullets are directly from the NARO website….

  • A monthly Royalty Owners Action Report detailing the most current updates on lease trends, state and federal legislation, tax and regulatory developments and practical management tips.
  • Access to an INTERNET message board offering help with any and all questions about your mineral rights.
  • Access to a live Member Coordinator who can assist you on the phone a with questions you might have about your royalty check, how to clarify deductions, how to take action when your checks stop and more.
  • Access to the most up to date information on lease activity in YOUR area. How much the most common bonus is, what the royalty percentage range is, if activity is increasing or declining and more!

Why do we like NARO?

NARO is a disinterested third party resource and advocacy group for the oil and gas mineral and royalty owner.   If you have questions about your royalty check, why you are no longer receiving funds or other such matters they have the resources to help.  Please know that we are extremely cautious when it comes to referrals.  Anyone one we refer to you has been vetted and we are confident will be a resource for you as a royalty owner.

Of course, we also created our website to offer the same service.  Please reach out to us anytime.

Free Consultation – Sell Mineral Rights in North Dakota

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